To show current network settings, you can use theip addr showcommand (which can be abbreviated as ip a s or even as ip a ). The ip command is relatively smart and does not always require you to type the complete option.--RHEL7.0版本以上查看网络配置命令使用ip addr show,以前的命令ifconf...
To show current network settings, you can use theip addr showcommand (which can be abbreviated as ip a s or even as ip a ). The ip command is relatively smart and does not always require you to type the complete option.--RHEL7.0版本以上查看网络配置命令使用ip addr show,以前的命令ifconf...
Command Default 如果不指定接口, 命令会显示所有接口,包括内部接口。 Command History 版本 修改 6.1 引入了此命令。 6.2 添加了 BVI 关键字。 Examples 以下是 show ip brief 命令的输出示例: > show interface ip brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Control0/0...
ip addr show只显示一台机器的网络接口。这不是hadoop的问题。没有具体的方法知道“正确”的地址应该是...
and "last update" do have a relationship, because the router will use the source IP address (...
ip dhcp excluded-address ! ip dhcp pool VLAN1 import all network default-router dns-server ! ! ip domain name ! multilink bundle-name authenticated ...
ip addr show只显示一台机器的网络接口。这不是hadoop的问题。没有具体的方法知道“正确”的地址应该是...
The show ip_range general command is used to query detailed information about an IP address range in the system. Format show ip_range general [ ip_range_name=? ] Parameters Parameter Description Value ip_range_name=? Name of an IP address range. The value contains 1 to 255 character...
ipAddr IP address. maskLen Mask length. nodeId Node ID. useType User type. ipType IP type. status State. vlanTag VLAN tags. lkgId Linkage group ID. group Port group. portId Port ID. phyPortId Physical port ID. plane Port plane. loopNum Loop number. times IP inactive time. Collectio...
ip dhcp excluded-address ! ip dhcp pool VLAN1 import all network default-router dns-server ip domain name multilink bundle-name authenticated 3. show version show version命令用于显示设备的硬件信息、软件版本、配置寄存器信息以...