近日,谷歌公司对其Android和iOS版的Google Maps地图应用进行了升级,以提升用户的驾驶体验。具体而言,新增了“添加停靠点”功能,使得用户在规划行程时更加方便。 此外,在“沿途搜索”字段中,用户可以找到餐厅、加油站、咖啡店和杂货店等标签,并查看距离和相关信息。 同时,谷歌地图还提供了“增强”导航功能。地图显示更清...
Google Mapshas introduceda redesign that provides users with a more detailed, colorful map. With the changes, Google says its service will display more varied geography, so users can distinguish between “tan, arid beaches and deserts from blue lakes, rivers, oceans, and ravines.” In ablog ...
Googleis making it easier to stay in the loop with businesses you care about. A new feature on Google Maps and Search integrates social media posts directly into Business Profiles. This means you can see the latest updates from your favorite businesses, whether it’s a new product launch at ...
The problem with Google Maps widgets is that they tend to add considerable bulk to the site. My sister runs a retail website. She added a Maps widget to her site, and the site slowed down by something like 30 seconds. That was awful. My experience has also been similar. I’ve gone ...
Chris SnyderHeath A. Google can show you everywhere you've been on a map that's surprisingly detailed. Tech Insider; 2016.
if (UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string:"comgooglemaps://")!)) { UIApplication.shared.openURL(NSURL(string: "comgooglemaps://?saddr=&daddr=\(Float(latitude!)),\(Float(longitude!))&directionsmode=driving")! as URL) } else { NSLog("Can't use com.google.maps://"); } Sha...
In theGoogle Mapssearch bar, start typing the address or name of the place that you want to feature. When the right place appears, give it a click. Google will now show the place ID in a small popup. Go ahead and copy the place ID. ...
Google Maps is adding speed limits and the ability to see speed traps in over 40 countries - these were only previously available in Waze.
If you use Google Maps on your phone, then you can get your Google Maps Timeline showing the places you’ve been. Google can show your travels according to the day, month, and year. You can review, for example, all the places you went to last year and relive fond memories of wonderfu...
Google Maps’ latest update shows if an area is experiencing a coronavirus outbreak or not. The “COVID Layer” in Maps shows how many new confirmed coronavirus cases there have been the last seven days in a specific region using color-coding, with red representing a spike in cases. The to...