mysql5.6 导入报的错误。 查看允许导入的目录。show global variables like '%secure_file_priv%'; 将文件移动到指定的目录,重新导入即可。
secure_file_priv(安全文件 priv)server_id(服务器标识)server_id_bits(服务器 id 位)server_uuid(服务器ID)session_track_gtids(会话跟踪)session_track_schema(会话轨道模式)session_track_state_change(会话跟踪状态更改)session_track_system_variables(会话跟踪系统变量)...
2) 方法2 进入mysql server在mysql 命令行中运行set global max_allowed_packet = 2*1024*1024*10然后关闭掉这此mysql server链接,再进入。show VARIABLES like '%max_allowed_packet%';查看下max_allowed_packet是否编辑成功 4)max_binlog_cache_size max_binlog_cache_size 表示的是binlog 能够使用的最大cac...
ssh: Secure Shell sshd: Secure Shell Daemon telnet: Telnet telnetd: Telnet daemon tftpd: Trivial File Transfer Protocol Daemon traceroute: Traceroute max Default: current usage levels are displayed. Displays the maximum usage levels for tasks as opposed to the cur...
To display the disks file-system information, use theshow diskscommand in EXEC mode. show disks Syntax Description | Output modifier variables: begin—Matched pattern. Supports up to 80 alphanumeric characters. count—Count the number of lines in the output. Add...
window server 2008 重装系统后,myqld.exe --install 恢复服务,报错 1067,看日志提示Failed to access directory for --secure-file-priv 很明显,我重装系统C盘格式化了,C盘的那个uploads文件夹是不存在的,我这边在my.ini注释了这行代码,再次启动Myql就可以了...
修改MySQL安装路径下的my.ini,在添加“secure-file-priv=路径名”这一行,重启mysql 注意secure-file-priv=/tmp/这一行是要添加在[mysqld]与[mysqldump]之间,很多网上的教程说是添加在配置文件的末尾,这是错误的。
To display the disks file-system information, use theshow diskscommand in EXEC mode. show disks Syntax Description | Output modifier variables: begin—Matched pattern. Supports up to 80 alphanumeric characters. count—Count the number of lines in the output. Add nu...