SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'query_cache_size'; -- 修改全局级别的变量(通常需要有SUPER权限) SET GLOBAL max_connections = 500; -- 查看会话级别的变量设置(只影响当前连接的客户端) SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout'; -- 修改会话级别的变量(无需特殊权限,只影响当前会话) SET SESSION wait_ti...
show status like '%xxx%';show variables like '%xxx%'; 有时候又用到如下两个命令: show global status like '%xxx%';show global variables like '%xxx%'; 下面的两个命令带有关键词global,上面的两个命令不带有global,这个我们应该都知道,带有global关键字的命令是查看全局参数的值,而不带global关键字...
mysql>SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES like'sort_buffer_size';(可搜索多个变量例如:SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES like'%buffer%';)mysql>SELECT@@global.sort_buffer_size;(不能搜索多个变量) 要想检索一个SESSION变量的值,使用下面的语法: mysql>SHOW VARIABLES like'sort_buffer_size';(可搜索多个变量例如:SHOW VARIABLES like...
show variables like 'query_cache%'; # 排序使用情况 show global status like 'sort%'; # 文件打开数 show global status like 'open_files'; # 表锁情况 show global status like 'table_locks%'; # 表扫描情况 show global status like 'handler_read%'; # 服务器完成的查询请求 show global status ...
The client had been sleeping more than wait_timeout or interactive_timeout seconds without issuing any requests to the server. See Section 5.1.7, “Server System Variables”. The client program ended abruptly in the middle of a data transfer. ...
mysql> show global variables like ‘wait_timeout’; 这是mysql的默认值,可修改 2、修改全局wait_timeout值 set global wait_timeout=3600; 7.查询Mysql最大连接数和当前连接数 最大连接数 show variables like '%max_connections%'; 当前连接数 show full processlist; 更多使用以后慢慢整理和添加 参考...
SHOWVARIABLESLIKE'%size%';SHOWGLOBALVARIABLESLIKE'%size%'; Wildcard characters can be used in any position within the pattern to be matched. Strictly speaking, because_is a wildcard that matches any single character, you should escape it as\_to match it literally. In practice, this is rarel...
-- 默认慢日志是关闭的,-- 开启日志查询:setglobalgeneral_log=on;-- 关闭日志查询:setglobalgeneral_log=off;-- 查看当前慢查询日志输出的格式,可以是FILE(存储在数据库的数据文件中的hostname.log);可以是TABLE(存储在数据库中的mysql.general_log)showvariableslike'log_output%'-- 设置...
mysql> select @@global.autocommit; ERROR 1238 (HY000): Variable 'autocommit' is a SESSION variable But if I do this another way, I get a different result: mysql> show global variables like 'autocommit'; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value...
show variables ———"显示变量,如:···”