qBittorrent version and Operating System v4.1.3 If on linux, libtorrent and Qt version Ubuntu 16.04; installed via apt-get What is the problem It would be nice to show the remaining disk space in the webinterface on the bottom
For showing colorized disk space usage on our Linux machine, we're going to use a command-line tool called ncdu. Ncdu stands for "NCurses Disk Usage" and it provides an interactive GUI for analyzing disk usage. The tool allows us to navigate through directories and files, and have a look...
LAST_USED_BLOCK=>l_LAST_USED_BLOCK);IF p_space='MANUAL'OR(p_space<>'auto'AND p_space<>'AUTO')THEN DBMS_SPACE.FREE_BLOCKS(segment_owner=>p_owner, segment_name=>p_segname, segment_type=>p_type, partition_name=>p_partition, freelist_group_id=>0, free_blks=>l_free_blks);p('F...
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any ** later version. ...
Linux指令入门-系统管理 去体验 本场景将介绍Linux中常用的系统工作命令以及系统状态检测命令 1 MAKRER=SHOW_LOCALE;printf $MAKRER""; locale; MAKRER=SHOW_LOCALE;printf $MAKRER""; 2 CHECK_TYPE=SHELL; echo "INFO=${CHECK_TYPE} PID=$$ PPID=$PPID TTY=$(tty) SHELL=$0 HOME=$HOME PWD=$PWD| CHECK...
xdiskusage is a user-friendly program to show you what is using up all your disk space. It is based on the design of xdu. xdiskusage runs “du” and “df”, displays the free space left on the disk, and produces a PostScript version of the display. ...
Check Linux Filesystem Disk Space To disable the color, use the-cflag. $ discus -c To display device names instead of graphs, use the-dflag:. $ discus -d Check Disk Space Usage By Devices If do not want to use smart formatting, you can disable it using the-sswitch as shown. ...
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in ...
$ sudo apk add pydf [OnAlpine Linux] $ sudo pacman -S pydf [OnArch Linux] $ sudo zypper install pydf [OnOpenSUSE] How to Use pydf Command in Linux If you run only the “pydf” command without specifying an argument, it will display just information on disk space usage along with...
Disk space on the Storage Expansion Module appears as a local volume on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Syntax Copy show directory <path> Arguments <path> Enter the absolute path of the file directory with a forward slash preceding the path name. Mode Superuser Example ...