It's hard to know when to "show, don't tell" in writing. This writing technique, along with show don't tell examples, makes a big difference.
Rather thantellingthat your character is angry,showit by describing his face flushing, his throat tightening, his voice rising, his slamming a fist on the table. When youshow,you don’t have totell. Cold?Do not tell me; show me.Your characterpulls her collar up, tightens her scarf, shov...
Tell是直接陈述结论,而Show则把读者拉到你描述的场景当中,通过故事细节的展示,让读者自己得出结论。 契诃夫说,“不要告诉我月亮闪闪发亮,给我看碎玻璃上闪烁的光。”(Don‘t tell me the moon is shining. Show me the glint of light on broken glass) 这句话的意思就是,当你在陈述一件事情的时候,不要只...
” Cairo said. “I could draw and, since I was young, the paper could afford to take some risks on me. We didn’t really know what we were doing at the time, but it was great to be able to
“Show don't tell”的意思就是,当你在陈述一件事情的时候,不要只是说一些结论性的陈述(states),而是给出一些具体化的例子(illustrates)。 比起你生硬地说出来的话,使用一些暗喻、比喻、描写让读者自己产生你想要的感受,才是更高级...
Very few, I'd guess. I can only imagine what most of great literature would look if these over-zealous editors got their hands on it. "Show, don't tell" -- really? So narrative paraphrase and summary aren't viable techniques? Hmm, that red-inks just about everything written since the...
Show me don't tell me Lets see exhibit a Show me don't tell me You pick it up it's yours (Show me don't tell me) I've heard it all before (Show me don't tell me) Enough of your demands (Show me don't tell me)
“show don't tell”是英文写作中比较“地道”的写作技巧,这节Year4语文课Faith老师将和孩子一起通过概念、例子、分析例句、练一练几个环节,让孩子体会从修辞、心理描写和动作描写入手描写角色和场景,让写作更深入人心。 经过一段时间的学习,孩子和老师一起产生了非常融洽的默契,彼此都期待课程中更完美的合作。
Creative Writing Coach:“Show, don't tell”是小说写作中的一个核心原则,其意在鼓励作家通过角色的行动、对话、感受和环境的描述来展示故事,而不是直接告诉读者发生了什么。这个原则之所以重要,有几个关键原因: 1. 增强沉浸感:“展示”而不是“讲述”可以让读者更深入地沉浸在故事中。通过具体的场景、感受和动作...
“writing is rewriting”——写作就是不断重写的过程。 “show, don’t tell.”——展示,而不是告诉。 电影毕竟是一种视觉媒介。 简单来说,“展示,而不是告诉”就是说着你应该向观众展示信息、情感和潜台词,而不是通过阐述来告诉他们。也可以说,用画面表达要优于通过台词阐述。