Currently supported data providers : - YouTube metadata parsing (used by default, helps to detect original likes count \ is video votes closed) - API by Return YouTube Dislikes project ( - active by default. Currently most effective. Used archived youtube ...
<patch id="layout.returnyoutubedislike.ReturnYouTubeDislikeResourcePatch"> <string name="revanced_ryd_settings_title">Return YouTube Dislike</string> <string name="revanced_ryd_video_likes_hidden_by_video_owner">Hidden</string> <!-- Toast shown if network connection times out. Translations of...
Example video: Integration changes fix(YouTube - ReturnYouTubeDislike): Show hidden like count of regula… 07f2663 LisoUseInAIKyriosmentioned this pull requestAug 31, 2024 fix(YouTube - ReturnYouTubeDislike): Show estimated like count for videos with...
The experiment found that when a user can't see the results of a dislike mob's campaign to drive up a targeted video's dislike count, they're less likely to pile-on. There was actually a reduction in dislikes on videos as a result of removing the count. YouTube says the experiment ...
YouTube has announced that it is hiding the dislikes count on the video-sharing platform, claiming that the decision was made after internal research over its impact on the mental health of creators and to tackle coordinated dislike campaigns. YouTube is not the first platform to explore this ...
Yes, I am an unabashed old-school fuddy-duddy who thinks Nebraska’s uniforms are fine as they are, thank you very much. But there is more to my dislike than me being averse to change. My biggest objection is the black jersey, for two primary reasons*: ...
<patch id="layout.returnyoutubedislike.ReturnYouTubeDislikeResourcePatch"> <string name="revanced_ryd_settings_title">Return YouTube Dislike</string> <string name="revanced_ryd_video_likes_hidden_by_video_owner">Hidden</string> <!-- Toast shown if network connection times out. Translations of...