In MySQL 5.5 Command Line Client, after I log in to a remote SQL server, I type SHOW Databases; it hangs. But when I type (after restarting the client tool) USE MyDB; SHOW tables; it works. Why does "SHOW Databases" not work?
唔,屏幕那么小,你还想全部显示吗...一次显示一部分也可以的吧,还有就是能导入到文件中去看,都能解决你的问题。假如你的数据库名:test_db,有300张表。解决方法一:USE information_schema;SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test_db'ODER BY TABLE_NAME LIMIT...
Command-Line Format--help Display a help message and exit. --bind-address=ip_address Command-Line Format--bind-address=ip_address On a computer having multiple network interfaces, use this option to select which interface to use for connecting to the MySQL server. ...
mysql>show tables; 显示数据库mysql中所有的表:先use mysql;然后 mysql>describe user; 显示表mysql数据库中user表的列信息); grant 创建用户firstdb(密码firstdb)和数据库,并赋予权限于firstdb数据库 mysql> create database firstdb; mysql> grant all on firstdb.* to firstdb identified by 'firstdb' 会...
Manual :: 5 MySQL Server Administration :: 5.2 MySQL Server Logs :: 5.2.2 The Error Log Subject Written By Posted MySQL Command Line Client: SHOW Databases not working? Tin Amaranth January 27, 2013 12:21AM Re: MySQL Command Line Client: SHOW Databases not working?
mysql>show tables;//确认一下导入是否成功 打开showslow文件夹,找到config.sample.php重命名config.php 如果你下载的是我提供的链接,里面就有一个config.php,无须重命名。 修改config.php里面的参数 $db = 'showslow'; $user = 'root'; $pass = '123456';//密码根据你的情况修改。
mysqlshow[options][db_name[tbl_name[col_name]]] DESCRIPTION Themysqlshowclient can be used to quickly see which databases exist, their tables, or a table's columns or indexes.mysqlshowprovides a command-line interface to several SQL SHOW statements. See Section 15.7.7, “SHOW Statements”....
grant select,insert,update,delete on mydb.* to test2@localhost identified by "";(四) 显示命令 1、显示数据库列表:show databases;刚开始时才两个数据库:mysql和test。mysql库很重要它里面有MYSQL的系统信息,我们改密码和新增用户,实际上就是用这个库进行操作。2、显示库中的数据表:use ...
mysqlshow[options][db_name[tbl_name[col_name]]] The output displays only the names of those databases, tables, or columns for which you have some privileges. If the last argument contains shell or SQL wildcard characters (*,?,%, or_), only those names that are matched by the wildcard...
MySQL查看索引(SHOW INDEX)_MySQL视图、索引_视图在数据库中的作用类似于窗户,用户可以通过这个窗口看到只对自己有用的数据。既保障了数据的安全性,又大大提高了查询效率。