Microsoft is making it even easier for PC gamers to keep an eye on your CPU utilization and GPU temperature, and even toggle between graphics cards.Dylan Wilby Published: 10 months ago Microsoft PC games hardware Windows 11 When you’re putting your rig to the test with the latest triple-...
If you are using Windows 11 or Windows 10 and want to show theCPU and GPU temperaturein the system tray, you can do it with the help of third-party software calledHWiNFO. The System Tray or Notification Area is where you find some apps’ icons like USB, Adobe Creative Cloud, Ethernet/...
4. To pin the temperature to the Taskbar, right-click on the temperature and choose the ‘Show in Tray’ option from the menu. Recommended: Fix Service Host: Diagnostic Policy Service High CPU Usage Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage 4 Ways to Check FPS (Frames Per ...
is it possible to show the cpu and gpu frametime in graphs with the msi afterburner?? Like it is in this video: As far as I could see, there is no possibility to show graphs ingame with the msi afterburner? Thanks! My Setup: CPU: i7 4790 @3800 MHz, MB: MSI H87-G41, ...
completely newPC buildor if you can make it another couple of years with a few judicious component upgrades. Many users will upgrade their GPU with one of thebest graphics cardsand leave everything else in place. But would they get more for the money if they spent it all on a CPU ...
.net optimization service 100% GPU usage when idle. 'Desktop' or 'Public desktop'? 'mklink / j' or 'mlink / d'? "Choose Which Folders Appear on Start" by Group Policy "Do you trust this printer?" Message "Error: The disk that is set as active in BIOS is too small..." whil...
c# adding text at a certain place in a text file C# advanced socket server - 100% CPU usage after some time C# and Excel. Passing decimal values to excel from C# loose format C# and Lotus Notes C# and packages? C# and using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices C# and WPF, what's the differe...
The CPU and GPU play crucial roles in PC gaming, but their significance depends on the specific demands of your games. Unlike the GPU that is required for graphically demanding games because it handles the rendering tasks and image processing. For example, a powerful GPU is needed to manage ...
作为ROG电竞本的王牌系列,枪神9系列以“性能天花板”之名再度进化。全系搭载英特尔酷睿Ultra 9 275HX处理器与NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50系显卡,其中枪神9超竞版至高配备RTX 5090笔记本电脑GPU,整机功耗释放达250W,配合64GB DDR5 6400MHz高频内存与2TB PCIe 5.0 SSD,为3A大作与多任务处理提供澎湃动力。
近日,AMD宣布了一项限时优惠活动,凡购买指定的Ryzen 7000、Ryzen 9000系列CPU或Radeon RX 7000系列桌面显卡的用户,将可以免费获得即将发布的游戏《怪物猎人:荒野》。该游戏由卡普空开发,将于2025年2月28日正式发售,售价为70美元。 此次优惠活动从2025年2月25日上午9:00(美国东部时间)开始,至2025年4月26日晚上11...