Cryo-EM density map and atomic coordinates have been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank and Protein Data Bank with the accession codes EMD-38613 and PDB: 8XS3, respectively. The sequences of hMB621 and hMB668 have been deposited in Genome Sequence Archive (
The Empire followed the coordinates that lead to Earth. Around a year later, the Empire found Earth and did their attack on humanity. The Empire were unaware that humanity had a war on Truth's covenant when they found Earth first before them, but the Empire focus their attention to killing...
Orii and Okunuki showed already in 1963 [12] that the catalase activity is increased by addition of hydrazine, which probably coordinates to CuB in the same manner as ammonia. The influence of manganese, cobalt and zinc on the difference between the ATCC WT CcO and the rec. WT CcO was ...
Coordinates of the complex between a 9 mer siRNA and the PAZ domain from human Argonaute eIF2c1 were retrieved from the Protein Data Bank (; PDB ID code 1si2 (ref. 29)). The programme UCSF Chimera51 was used to convert the sequence of the last four nucleotides in...
To consider geographic distances in the multifactorial models, geographic locations were converted into a principal coordinates of neighborhood matrix (Oksanen et al., 2012). Indicator taxa were identified within QIIME, and taxonomy was assigned by running the BLAST algorithm against the UNITE fungal ...
The center coordinates around 10 multi-disciplinary research groups within KTH and the reserach institute - Innventia, and over almost 20 Swedish companies including paper and package companies (StoraEnso, Billerud, Korsnas etc), RFID and printed intelligence (e.g. Xaar) and electronic and system ...
I used Admin Console's coordinates lazloisdavrock Members Joined: 03/02/2008 PostedNovember 18, 2008 Jordy. said: Ghost Bear said: lazloisdavrock said: Niice... wut interior is that in the last pic? Pan-lantic construction site, second Asuka residence. How did...
A Study on the Three-Dimensional Analysis of Heat and Fluid Flow in Gas Metal Arc Welding Using Boundary-Fitted Coordinates Computer simulation of three-dimensional heat transfer and fluid flow in gas metal arc (GMA) welding has been studied by considering the three driving forc... JW Kim,SJ...
CONSTITUTION:FMC (flexible manufacturing cell) is constituted with machining center 5, stocker 6, work table 7, cartesian coordinates robot 8 travelable over a rail and a program controller. The machining center 5 is a lateral numeric control complex working machine having a tool magazine 51 ...
一旦有了降维坐标映射,就可以使用函数make_cicero_cds来创建聚合的CDS对象。make_cicero_cds的输入是输入CDS对象和降维坐标映射。降维映射reduced_coordinates应该采用data.frame或矩阵的形式,其中行名与cd的pData表中的细胞id相匹配。reduced_coordinates的列应该是降维对象的坐标,例如: ...