Please leave comments or ask questions on theTwoChairsNoWaiting.comwebsite or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode.Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415and leave a voice mail to be part...
From the latest YouTube app, you can: Use your Google+ profile to share a comment on YouTube. +mention a friend into the conversation. Choose to share your comment on Google+ with your Circles or Public. Enjoy nested comments. Has the new YouTube for Android app rolled out to you yet?
This isn’t the first time theLEGO Harry Pottergames have been brought to modern consoles. Originally released during the PS2 and PS3 era, these beloved titles have stood the test of time, but fans are eager for something more. Comments on YouTube regarding its announcement trailer, have bee...
You can also watch a video version of the podcast on our YouTube channel. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about potential guests, stop by the discussion thread in our forums and share your thoughts! The MacRumors Show Articles...
* Fixed the extension breaking due to YouTube layout changes. Thank you all for your quick bug reports. 1.0.3 * Fixed a bug where comments would only swap after refreshing the page. * Migrated to Manifest V3 (new thingies from Google) before it becomes mandatory. Will be monitoring closely...
With that in mind, we’ll show you how to show random quotes on your WordPress sidebar. Here’s a quick overview of all the steps we’ll cover in this article: Installing a Plugin to Show Random Quotes on Your Sidebar Configuring Your Quotes and Tips Settings ...
YouTube channel. Jon is a fantastic producer and his live performances are more genuine than many electronic artists. His Asleep Versions slow down the pacing and tempo dramatically, a nice contrast to the elegance of the album’s pacing, which is subtly on the brink of Tech House and IDM....
Other bloggers will be trying to rank for the same keywords as you:This means that you might not hit the #1 spot for a keyword – but even if you can be in the top 5 or the top 10 (on the first page of Google results), that’s a great achievement. ...
Method 1: Showing Comments on Your Homepage Using the Latest Comments Block WordPress comes with a built-in Latest Comments block that you can add to any page or post. There are three ways to use them:adding the block as a widgetin the sidebar, adding the block in the WordPress Full Sit...
Subscribe toNintendo LifeonYouTube787k Today'sIndie World Showcasegave us a rather delightful little basket of release dates, shadow drops, and ports for games we've been wanting to see on Switch. As is often the case with these presentations, however, Japan's Indie Worl...