All Excel spreadsheets have gridlines by default, but sometimes you can receive a sheet without cell lines from another person. In this case you may want them to become visible again. Removing lines is also a very common task. If you think that your spreadsheet will look more accurate and ...
Show or hide outline symbols with Excel Options In theExcel Optionsdialog box, you can turn the outline symbols on and off with clicks. Please do as follows: 1. Open the Excel Options dialog box by clickingFile>Optionsin Excel 2010/2013. ( In Excel 2007, clickOfficebutton.) ...
IOutline IOval IOvals IPage IPages IPageSetup IPane IPanes IParameter IParameters IPhonetic IPhonetics IPicture IPictures IPivotAxis IPivotCache IPivotCaches IPivotCell IPivotField IPivotFields IPivotFilter IPivotFilters IPivotFormula IPivotFormulas IPivotItem IPivotItemList IPivotItems ...
excel hide subtotal outline symbols. Show and hide different grouped summary outlines in Excel. Hide subtotal level outline. Use Ctrl + 8 to hide outline or show outline or vice versa in Excel.
IOutline IOval IOvals IPage IPages IPageSetup IPane IPanes IParameter IParameters IPhonetic IPhonetics IPicture IPictures IPivotAxis IPivotCache IPivotCaches IPivotCell IPivotField IPivotFields IPivotFilter IPivotFilters IPivotFormula IPivotFormulas IPivotItem IPivotItemList IPivotItems IPivotLayou...
Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll True if the outline is expanded for the specified range (so that the detail of the column or row is visible). Read/write Object. C# 複製 public bool ShowDetail { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Remarks The specified ra...
Outline Oval Ovals Page Pages PageSetup Pane Panes Parameter Parameters Phonetic Phonetics Picture PictureFormat Pictures PivotAxis PivotCache PivotCaches PivotCell PivotField PivotFields PivotFilter PivotFilters PivotFormula PivotFormulas PivotItem PivotItemList PivotItems PivotLayout PivotLine Pivot...
IOutline IOval IOvals IPage IPages IPageSetup IPane IPanes IParameter IParameters IPhonetic IPhonetics IPicture IPictures IPivotAxis IPivotCache IPivotCaches IPivotCell IPivotField IPivotField Properties _Default AllItemsVisible Application AutoShowCount AutoShowField AutoShowRange AutoShowType Auto...
IOutline IOval IOvals IPage IPages IPageSetup IPane IPanes IParameter IParameters IPhonetic IPhonetics IPicture IPictures IPivotAxis IPivotCache IPivotCaches IPivotCell IPivotField IPivotFields IPivotFilter IPivotFilters IPivotFormula IPivotFormulas IPivotItem IPivotItemList IPivotItems IPivotLayou...
Outline Oval Ovals Page Pages PageSetup Pane Panes Parameter Parameters Phonetic Phonetics Picture PictureFormat Pictures PivotAxis PivotCache PivotCaches PivotCell PivotField PivotFields PivotFilter PivotFilters PivotFormula PivotFormulas PivotItem PivotItemList PivotItems PivotLayout PivotLine PivotLineCells Piv...