2、ou know a lot about your fUNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 41 Show and Tell!5UNIT 7 Enjoy Your Hobby5发掘爱好、热爱生活。学会阐述个人爱好。Learning Aims知识目标:学会本课单词及词汇。能力目标:情感目标:6发掘爱好、热爱生活。学会阐述个人爱好。Learning AiVocabularyspin 快速旋转common 普通的;一般的...
牛津大学出版社在教材研发的过程中,会用到非常系统、且有科学依据的教学法来编写教材,在少儿英语教育中具有不可替代的地位。 show and tell ◆ Show and Tell是为满足幼儿学习者在 21 世纪的快速需求变化而编写的一套令人兴奋且史无前例的新课程,共...
–角色扮演:Group 1: Show and Tell; Group 2: Ask and Answer –小组讨论:Share your experience and learn from each other 八.说教学评价 19.学生口语表达能力:观察学生在课堂上的发言和角色扮演环节的表现,评价他们的口语表达能力。 20.学生词汇运用能力:通过练习题和课堂互动,评价学生对介绍物品词汇的掌握程...
1、Unit 7 Enjoy Your HobbyLesson 41 Show and Tell!学习目标发掘爱好、热爱生活。学会阐述个人爱好。学会本课单词及词汇。新课导入Do you know a lot about your family history?Who is the most interesting person in your family?说一说新课讲解ListeningListen to the tape and answer the following ...
Unit7EnjoyYourHobby 23002Lesson41ShowandTell!学习目标 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语2.能展示并描述自己的爱好 23002 Leadin Doyouknowwhattheirhobbiesare?PleasantSheepFamily Lazysheep Warmsheep Sportivesheep 23002Slowsheep Prettysheep Pleasantsheep Ilikeplayingchess.Ilovedancingandstampcollection My...
Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby! Lesson 41 Show and Tell 目录 1 .课文听力音频MP3 2. 听力原文及翻译(Word文档)。 3. Let's do it 音频MP3。 4. Let's do it 听力原文(Word文档)。 5. Let's do it 参考答案(教师家长参考使用)。 6. ...
Danny tells some facts and stories about his family. 丹尼讲述了一些家族的故事。 Everyone is very interested. 每个人都非常感兴趣。 "Good for you, Danny! “干得好,丹尼! Many people enjoy learning about their family history, but most people draw their family trees. 许多人很喜欢了解自己家庭的历...
Unit 7 Lesson 41 Show and Tell!教案 Ⅰ.Target language 1.Words and phrases: Hobby, guess, sell, wall, frame, instruction, roll, a roll of film. 2.Key sentences: Today, all of the students are showing their hobbies to the class. He has four books full of stamps. The teacher tells ...
show and tell介绍教育21世纪核心技能导论.pdf,st Introduction to 21 century skills 技能导论 This is a buzz phrase amongst teachers. It came from a US-based movement which aims to teach students the skills they need in order to be successful in the 21st cen
UNIT7EnjoyYourHobby Lesson41ShowandTell!LearningAims 知识目标:学会本课单词及词汇。能力目标:学会阐述个人爱好。情感目标:发掘爱好、热爱生活。Vocabulary spin快速旋转common普通的;一般的performance表演;演出 Fastreadingandanswerthefollowingquestions.(1)WhatdoesBrianbringtoschool?Brianbringshisstampcollection.(2)...