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商标名称首乌;SHOUWU 国际分类34-烟草烟具 申请/注册号218189 商标状态- 申请日期1984-05-24 初审公告期号103 初审公告日期1984-10-15 注册公告期号109 注册公告日期1985-01-15 专用权期限1985-01-15-1995-01-14 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)中国烟草总公司安徽省公司 申请地址(中文)安徽蚌埠南岗一路 申请人...
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The essence of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb, which contains amino acids and vitamins, can provide care for coarse, dry hair and make it soft and shiny. Angelica extract is specially added to moisturize hair and glow the elasticity and luster of hair. The dense foam formula deeply cleans hair an...
(redirected from Heshouwu)Also found in: Medical. he-shou-wu he-shou-wu Fo-ti is the dried or cured root of a twining vine in the knotweed family with broad arrowhead-shaped leaves. It’s a major adaptogenic anti-aging herb used for kidneys, adrenals and hormones to boost sexual ...
Heshouwu is usually processed with black bean juice by steaming or stewing, which resulted in the different therapeutic actions between the crude drug and the prepared slices. The crude drug is used to remove toxin and disperse abscesses, whereas the processed slice is employed to tonify liver-...
一、我能读拼音,写词语。(16分)shouwu. qiongbaofengzhouyǔqunfangtǔyanwangyangbǔláozànbùjuékǒutengyu
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