In this technique, multiple machine learning models are trained on a labeled dataset, and their accuracy is ranked. A dynamic ensemble voting approach is then used to tag samples for each base model in the ensemble. The combination of these tags is used to generate a final tag for an ...
Pain, weakness, and loss of movement at the shoulder due to irritation of the soft tissues as they pass underneath the acromion are due to the inflammation of tendons, bursa, and joint capsule [5,22]. Plain X-ray is unable to diagnose soft tissue-related abnormalities; however, ultrasound ...
However, there is a possibility for an image to be labeled for multiple classes using this method. To overcome these problems, we propose DRE-Net comprised of two deep CNNs and an SCN to classify shoulder implants in X-ray images. We considered a total of four different classes by ...
Expert surgeons usually use X-ray images of prostheses to set the patient-specific apparatus. However, this subjective method is time-consuming and prone to errors. Method: As an alternative, artificial intelligence has played a vital role in orthopedic surgery and clinical decision-making for ...