Shoulder pain is a sign pointing to a certain condition. The condition can be a mild one like muscle pain, which can be gotten rid of by self home care measures; or the condition can be a severe one like dislocated shoulder which needs immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing ...
The present study explores the potential of the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP) as an intervention. Influential factors in physiotherapy outcomes, including kinesiophobia, are linked to shoulder pain. A knowledge gap remains on the impact of SSMP on p...
In itself, this pain would not pose a problem if it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Unfortunately, it tends to persist over time. In half of patients,the pain persists or reoccurs one yearafter its initial appearance. It can even persist for several years in some cases. Approximately...
” The accompanying list of symptoms included “neck or shoulder pain or ache”. Participants responded to each symptom by selecting one of five pain frequency options: (1)
Patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) is a threshold above which patients feel well. Objective To determine MID and PASS for common outcome instruments in patients with subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS). Methods We used data from the FIMPACT trial, a randomised controlled trial of treatment for ...
The first symptom of osteonecrosis of the humeral head is shoulder and arm pain. The location of the pain is difficult to isolate. You may not be able to point to it with one finger. You may feel like the pain is deep and throbbing. You may have difficulty reaching your arms out to ...
(LEFT) SHOULDER PAIN OF PHRENIC ORIGIN???A REFLEX SYMPTOM IN CHRONIC APPENDICITIS WITH A REPORT OF THREE CASESAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00000441-192512010-00012IRVING GRAYIRVING GRAYIRVING GRAY...
PAIN IN THE LEFT SHOULDER AS A SYMPTOM OF DUODENAL PERFORATION.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)07439-6NoneElsevierLancet
Investigating the patient acceptable symptom state cut-offs: longitudinal data from a community cohort using the shoulder pain and disability index.doi:10.1007/S00296-019-04486-3Gui TranBright DubeSarah R KingsburyAlan TennantPhilip G Conaghan
Patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) is a threshold above which patients feel well. Objective To determine MID and PASS for common outcome instruments in patients with subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS). Methods We used data from the FIMPACT trial, a randomised controlled trial of treatment for ...