Pain: All pain seems sharp, but pain can also be described as dull, burning, crampy,shock-like, or stabbing. Pain can lead to a stiff neck or shoulder and loss of range of motion.Headachemay result. The character of each symptom is important to your doctor because the particular features...
Guestover a year ago I have had a slight to sometimes severe pain in my left shoulder for a while now...this morning I woke up and the fingers on the same side as that shoulder are tingling and have a slight loss of sensation. It's only my thumb index and middle ring...
Recovery went well and relief of pain was immediate. It is now eleven years later and I am having neck and shoulder pain that is almost constant. Does anyone have information on the prognosis of this surgery after ten or more years. Is it true that you will probably have to have the ...
Electrodiagnostic studies. Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) are sometimes used to diagnose neck and shoulder pain, arm pain, numbness and tingling. Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief You may be able to ease neck and shoulder pain with some simple home treatments. Here are ...
Numbness and Tingling With shoulder pain and a pinched nerve, patients often report a “pins and needles” sensation in their shoulders, arms, and hands. The sensation doesn’t change when they move their shoulders because it originates in a different part of the body. ...
Sharp or tingling pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, and hand Sharp or aching pain in your neck when you look up Headaches in the back of your head Numbness Weakness Impaired reflexes What Is the Cervical Spine? Thecervical spineis the neck region of your spinal column. It's made up of...
Thoracic outlet syndromeis when the nerves and blood vessels between the neck and shoulder become compressed. This can cause pain that radiates from the shoulder to the fingers, as well as numbness and tingling. Other symptoms include weakness in the arms and hands and a lack of coordination. ...
Numbness or tingling Pain or discomfort Pain while lying down Pain with activity Pain with behind the back motion Pain with overhead movement Popping or snapping sound from joint Skin redness Stiff neck Stiffness or decreased movement Swelling ...
’s socket. It is prone to dislocation since it is the most flexible joint, and you can fully recover from a dislocation within several weeks. Shoulder dislocation causes numbness, tingling, and weakness in the neck and lower arm, and it increases the shoulder muscles’ sensitivity to pain....
Is Shoulder Pain Angina or Bursitis?Dear Dr. Donohue: I am a 71-year-old lady, and I have recurringpain and tingling in my left arm...By Dr. Paul Donohue