Browse our extensive photo collection of shoulder length curly hair cuts and hairstyles before your next salon visit.
Elizabeth Olsen is proof that you don't need to spend too much time on a shoulder-length hairstyle for it to look perfect. Simply sweep the hair to one side and choose a few random pieces to curl. Finish off with a wave spray like Drybar's Seashore Spritzer Salt-Free Wave Spray to c...
If you have fine curly hair, a layered cut probably won’t be your best option because this type of hair tends to easily frizz when layered. If you have coarse hair, a shoulder-length braided hairstyle would be an excellent option. For men with medium texture hair, a men’s shoulder-le...
Medium Length Curly Hairstyles We’re shouting out all our curly haired women! Curly hair is admired by women all over the world, and with good reason. If you have naturally curly hair consider yourself lucky. As gorgeous as it is we know a lot of women with curly hair can sometimes str...