Watch the technique this person uses on their partner, or how much lube they use, and think about what you can learn from that. Then, notice around this minute mark how things don't go well. Think about what you can learn from that moment and how you can avoid similar things in your...
If you can get past putting a condom on a cucumber, then all the power to you. This cucumber doesn't seem to be in the mood. Credit: Getty Images / VladimirFLoyd Next time you're looking around the house for something to pleasure yourself with, just use a toy made for sexual ...
your period, an infection, or a condition such as endometriosis. Therefore, you should check with a doctor if this painful feeling persists for 1 to 2 days. If the pain only happened 1 or 2 times after sex, it can have been from the dryness, you may use lube. ...