Seasons, such as winter, spring, summer and fall,do not require capitalization because they are generic common nouns. Some people may confuse these words as being proper nouns and try to capitalize them using that rule of capitalization. ... The winter season allows for many snow related sport...
I am dying to know what words you think should be banned in Washington state. To be quite frank with you, 9 times out of 10, some of these words and phrases were lifted from the dialogs of inner city youth, the LGBTQ community, and/or your child’s middle school hallway. Here are ...
Inthe summer, cut off a shoot of 3 to 4 inches from the new growth on the plant. Dip it in rooting hormone and then stick the cut tip of the cutting into a small pot. Keep the rockrose indoors in a sunny location. Water once per week throughout the summer, fall and winter. Can ...