PsToolsThis set of command-line tools can be used for listing the processes running on local or remote computers, running processes remotely, rebooting computers, dumping event logs, and performing other tasks. RootkitRevealerThis tool lets you scan your system for rootkit-based malware. ...
Terminal Services GatewayandTerminal Services RemoteAppare designed for easy remote access and application integration with the local desktop, enabling secure and seamless application deployment without the need for a VPN. TS RemoteApp can reduce complexity and reduce administrative overhead in many situatio...
While running the laptop continuously, Windows and apps might also get updated. The laptop must be restarted to make the updates effective and apply the new changes. Also, continuously running a computer can lead to memory leaks, app crashes, and unresponsive apps because the system isn't refre...
Clients running Remote Desktop Connection client (RDC 6.1) or earlier will be unable to connect by using this RD Gateway server. This option can be used to help secure a remote desktop service environment, if all clients are running the RDC client released with Windows 7....
Yes, Disk Cleanup can delete files from all drives on your computer. When you run Disk Cleanup, it provides you with a list of drives to choose from, and you can select the specific drives you want to clean up. This allows you to target the drives that are running low on disk space...
However, if you are an advanced user and need the extra features, such as Remote Desktop, Hyper-V, BitLocker, Windows Sandbox, etc., and you want to have the ability to manage advanced settings through Group Policy. Windows 10 Pro may be the edition you should buy if this is the case...
When a computer attempts to connect to a VPN server, the VPN must first authenticate the user before the connection is successful. This typically means entering your credentials via a login page or desktop client, though it's best to consider additional options for authentication. Multi-factor au...
Get up and running from home with a NAS to store all your business data. How can a NAS help for work? Collaborative efforts External drives can be useful for storing files required for a single system. But anything more than that and you'll need to consider a NAS. This relies on the...
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ISO法)》 ,强度等级为42.5的普通硅酸盐水泥3天抗压强度试验得到一组数据为23.5MPa、25.9MPa、21.4MPa、22.9MPa、21.9MPa、 20.2MPa,那么它的最终试验结果为( )。依据GB/T 176-2017《水泥化学分析方法》,给水泥氯离子测定使用的硫氰酸铵溶液法排出正确的步骤( ) 。① 称取约5g...