then the first one sends the data 1000 times per second to the computer, whereas the latter one communicates 500 times per second. It’s very important to have a high polling rate keyboard to have smoother and more accurate
Our reliable, low latency, realtime platform as a service (PaaS) lets you choose the right method for your use case, whether that’s HTTP long polling, WebSocket, MQTT, Server Sent Events, or something else. Just as importantly, Ably’s global infrastructure takes that particular DevOps burd...
“Jack Smith should be considered mentally deranged and he should be thrown out of the country,” the former president said on “Cats & Cosby.”
Volunteering has hit a record high in recent years, with about 63 million Americans volunteering regularly. However, if volunteers aren’t satisfied with their experience with your organization, they might not continue to work with you. Volunteer surveys are a great way to make sure your ...
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 to 21 percent, and Trump recently said he would like to bring down the corporate rate even further to as low as 15 percent. “We’ll do it again, but we’ll do it even better,” Trump said. ...
The government gave it to them. Well, of course, profits are up," he added. "So, I'm quite cautious about the economy… I would just be a little careful about that just because it feels pretty good today." The Biden administration has repeatedly touted low unemployment and declining ...
3. High levels of migration are good for growth. We need to look at per capita growth. The Treasury needs to account properly for all the extra capital and revenue costs to house and support a low wage or dependent migrant. 4. Rejoining the EU single market and adopting all its laws ...
” This is not unprecedented; federal highway spending has long been funded in part by a gas tax, so drivers effectively pay for the wear and tear they put on the road. (Romney expressed interest in adopting a “vehicle miles traveled” tax, which would better capture road use by hybrid...
At the very time the White House and many conservatives are pushing to “bring our businesses and manufacturing back home” from nations like China, many “nationalists” see our globally dominant high tech firms as the enemy. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, GOOD JOBS NEWS, TELL US THIS ABOUT CORONAVIRUS ...
(which was pretty high), but his net favorability (favorable rating minus unfavorable rating) was only +11 (which was pretty low). As you can see in the chart below, Bloomberg was a real outlier — for as well known as he is, we would have expected him to be much better-liked, ...