“Police response can be traumatic or triggering for people,” said Summer Starr, the deputy director of the Washington chapter of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. She said police were dispatched to her Bellingham home in 2016 while she was in a manic episode....
practitioners in state health departments, only 2% reported working pri- marily on health equity and 9% reported that health equity was one of their multiple priority areas [129]. There are opportunities to more fully address issues in equity and implementation science in organizations [121]—both...
2. There should be no ID requirements for prepaid mobile numbers Another growing issue is with various government departments and private enterprises demanding that the person gives them a mobile number. Most people regularly have to fill various forms where mobile number is marked as mandatory. For...
police force.4 Indeed, many observers think the EU may hold out the best hope of salvation: Under a plan proposed by the European Commission — and sup- ported virtually across the board in Europe — all Balkan nations would be integrated into the EU, ultimately diminishing the significance ...
The inability of government Ministers to get their Departments into good order and fit for purpose is the greatest indictment I have for the present (and previous) administrations. I have no faith in the Cameroons succeeding with any of these three essentials and they should be increasingly ...