Should the use of plastic straws be banned? 正方观点:应该禁止使用塑料吸管 首先,塑料吸管对环境造成了巨大的破坏。据统计,全球每天使用超过一千万根塑料吸管,其中大部分最终进入海洋。这些塑料吸管不仅会污染海洋环境,还会对海洋生物造成严重的伤害。许多海洋生物会将塑料吸管误食,导致窒息或内脏疾病。这对于维护生态...
所属专辑:VoiceOfVivian 音频列表 1 Moon Walk 1 95 2019-03 2 Should plastic straws be banned? 72 2018-12 3 When The Wind Stops 83 2018-09 4 When the Wind Stops 101 2017-12 5 Tico and the Golden Wings 147 2017-12 6 Can't you sleep,little bear?
If the town or city the restaurant is located in has not banned them, your takeout food may have arrived in a plastic bag or two. They are generally not accepted in curbside recycling programs because bags have the tendency to wrap and tangle around sorting equipmen...
Ideally, used sanitary napkins should come under biomedical waste. But, since they are not included in the list ofbiomedical wasteas per the Bio Medical Waste (Handling and Management) Rules, 1998, they are disposed of in dumping grounds. Every year, thousands of plastic bags and used san...
Most single-use plastics, such as in the form of cigarette butts, plastic drinking bottles, plastic bottle caps, food wrappers, plastic grocery bags, plastic lids, straws and stirrers, other types of plastic bags, and take-away foam containers are ubiquitous in the environment [21]. After ...