Chalkboards can be great for the classroom or even as a creative activity for a children’s room, but including them in your living room or kitchen is woefully dated. With our smartphones on us at every waking (or even sleeping) moment, we can't think of what could be so important th...
However, applicants may consider becoming wildlife rehabilitators themselves or volunteering with a local organization. This is a way to care for wild animals without the associated costs and stress associated with owning an exotic pet. More importantly, it may prevent the suffering so often experience...
One of the hardest parts of owning an exotic pet like a sloth is trying to replicate its natural diet in captivity. Sloths eat leaves, mainly those found on the trees of Central and South America. They sleep about 20 hours a day and usually forage for food at night, so offer food ever...
Just because you can bring a pet degu into your home doesn't mean you should. Here are the ethical and legal implications of owning these animals. Ethics Before owning an exotic pet, you should consider that while some exotic pets do fine, others can suffer under human care. To increase ...
In Virginia, it's illegal to own non-native exotic animals that are considered predatory or undesirable as a pet. According to the state, non-native exotic animals include, but are not limited to: bears, wolves, coyotes, weasels, badgers, hyenas, all species of non-domesticated cats, alliga...
most birds for sale are cage bred. I am not a big fan of keeping animals of any kind in cages simply for our pleasure, but if they are cage bred and held in spacious, sanitary, and healthful conditions, then I have little opposition. There are some excellent zoos that do a terrific ...
Otherwise, check out other exotic animals that can be your new pet. FAQ Are capybaras really rodents? They are! They're the largest rodents on the planet. We know when people think about rodents they think about little animals, but this 170 pounder is a rodent just the same. ...
pet chimps still behave like wild animals. It's illegal to own one in most parts of the U.S. Still, some states—including Texas, Kansas, Idaho, and Alabama—allow pet chimps. You will likely need a permit to keep a chimp. And you must know your localexotic pet laws, which might ...
While prairie dogs are legal to own as pets in most states, there are instances where they can be considered wild animals and therefore are illegal or require a permit. Prairie dogs were one of the main culprits implicated in a monkeypox outbreak in 2003 and were then banned as pets for...
Giant millipedes must be purchased from an American breeder or pet shop which raises them in the U.S. It is illegal to purchase and transport these animals into the U.S. from other countries. Be sure the seller is a legitimate, licensed breeder with positive reviews from past buyers. ...