(of a word or phrase)not written with a hyphen. 'Only one-word unhyphenated whole numbers are permitted, and no number may be repeated. ' 'She travels to Chennai as regularly as Spivak to Kolkata and, like many of these global scholars, inhabits something inclusive and unhyphenated that ...
Tiptoe and tiptoeing are one word. That means no space no hyphen between tip and toe. Perhaps because of the rhythm of the word, tiptoe seems to need a hyphen.
What is a hyphenated compound noun? What is a syllable? What is a homophone of right? What is a homonym for choose? What is a subordinate adverb? What is consonance? Which verb form is used to indicate the progressive tense? What is a homonym for peace?
In-between should be hyphenated as an adjective Occasionally, in and between join forces as a compound adjective before a noun in the sense of “intermediate,” and when they do, spell them with a hyphen for readability. I would grow my hair longer, but I dread that awful in-between stag...
So you’re advertising illegal or, at least unethical, services. And what do you sell? SEO optimization. On a site with a hyphen in the URL, when the unhyphenated name is available. So you seem to be unethical *and* incompetent. ...
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 说明:以Daniel Trade公司市场部经理李华的身份于6月15日给John Holland先生写一封催款信,信中应当包括以下内容。 1.问及Holland先生近...
hyphenated controllers - is it possible? I am getting "Failed - Network error" when downloading the Excel file created in ASP.NET MVC I am getting this error in MVC I broke my MVCs. Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, I can't understand wh...
The solution is a special kind of test double: a verified fake. Unlike regular test doubles, where you swap out the real thing for some random object, with verified fakes you actually prove the test double has the same behavior as the real thing. In this article I’ll cover: A quick ...
and "fauxhawk" should be added to the lexicon still decided that "learnings" is an affront on the English language. If that's not definitive indicator that this isn't a real word, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on how often this phrase is unnecessarily hyphenated....
hyphenated controllers - is it possible? I am getting "Failed - Network error" when downloading the Excel file created in ASP.NET MVC I am getting this error in MVC I broke my MVCs. Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Deployment, Version=, I can't understand wh...