Should north be capitalized? In general, lowercase north, south, northeast, northern, etc.,when they indicate compass direction. Capitalize these words when they designate regions. He drove west. Are compass Rose directions capitalized? The general rule to follow is touse lowercase when referring t...
A career like“doctor” is only capitalized when it is used as a title, as in the following example. In this sentence, the first “doctor” refers to a type of career (as in the last example) and should not be capitalized. The second “doctor,” however, is used as the title of a...
Israel has capitalized on this vulnerable moment in Syria to destroy a huge number of weapons before they can fall into new hands and be used against Israel or others. Since Saturday, the Israeli air force and navy havehit more than 350 strategic targets across the country, destroying an esti...
One of the brilliant things about this whole place to me is that the owners have capitalized on the general fascination on this topic, and have turned the place into a popular tourist attraction for those going through northeast Alabama. They even have a little restaurant and snack bar with ...
Must be something in the water fountain at Holton High School: The home of the Wildcats has produced a sitting U.S. senator (Pat Roberts) and House member (Lynn Jenkins), but it has also given us Tom Bell. Born and raised in that northeast Kansas burg, Bell is president and CEO of...
As of June 30, 2014, we incurred RMB37.8 million of listing expenses for the Global Offering, of which RMB17.5 million was charged to our consolidated statements of comprehensive income and RMB20.3 million was capitalized as deferred expenses and will be accounted for as a deduction from our ...
The word“communism” is capitalized regardlessif it is used as a proper or common noun when it is the first word in a sentence. ... “Communist Party members will protest tomorrow.” Should northeast be capitalized? In general, lowercase north, south, northeast, northern, etc., when they...
Should North be capitalized? In general, lowercase north, south, northeast, northern, etc.,when they indicate compass direction. Capitalize these words when they designate regions. He drove west. Is McDonald's a common or proper noun?
Editorial Style Guide Lowercase north, south, northeast, etc. when they indicate compass direction, but capitalize when they indicate a region: the West Coast.
Common nouns and common adjectives are not capitalized. ... In contrast, the term “Mountains” in “the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains” is capitalized because