Runtime: Node.js v23.1 Operating System: macOS Prettier plugins (if any): None Steps to reproduce: I have two directories: /one/path/to/git/work/directory, it has a.gitignorefile containingout*/; /other/path/out/to/some.js, notice it containsout/but the whole directory tree isn't wi...
Line range hint 1-22: Verify ESM module compatibility with Node.js 14 Given that the PR objective is to prioritize ESM modules, please ensure that the test suite includes specific tests for ESM compatibility with Node.js 14, as it has different ESM support compared to Node.js 16. Let me...
What are the common attributes to be used and how do I implement the APIs when using Node-API to extend TS interfaces? How is a raw file read by the thread created by pthread? What is the memory sharing principle of a sendable class object of ArkTS? How do I implement synchronous...
What are the common attributes to be used and how do I implement the APIs when using Node-API to extend TS interfaces? How is a raw file read by the thread created by pthread? What is the memory sharing principle of a sendable class object of ArkTS? How do I implement synchronous...
Recursive Search:To search for a pattern in all files within a directory and its subdirectories, use the-r(or —recursive) flag. Terminal window 代码语言:javascript 复制 ➜ grep-o-r"fs"node_modules|wc-l22491 This will search through all files in the specified directory and its subdirector...
ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive — Lin Clark Understanding ES6 Modules — Craig Buckler An overview of ES6 Modules in JavaScript — Brent Graham ES6 Modules in Depth — Nicolás Bevacqua ES6 modules, Node.js and the Michael Jackson Solution — Alberto Gimeno JavaScript Modules: A Beginner’s ...
Most modules (e.g. modules for programming languages) are pretty short and feature setup only for essential packages (in some cases that be just the major mode for the language in question) You don't really need to track Prelude's upstream - you're encouraged to just fork it and use it...
Despite this, Docker will still include thenode_modulesfolder in the default build context. To exclude it, create a.dockerignorefile in your working directory. This file has a similar syntax to.gitignore. node_modules/ Any paths listed in.dockerignorewill be excluded from the build context. Y...
husky (and any tool that automatically installs git hooks) is definitely a security attack vector (there's a reason git chooses not to support that), and should be avoided in all cases for this reason. Does --ignore-scripts actually not work with pack/publish, regardless of whether it's...
**/node_modules/**' ], ignoreRoot: [ '**/.git/**', '**/.nyc_output/**', '**/.sass-cache/**', '**/bower_components/**', '**/coverage/**', '**/node_modules/**' ], restartable: 'rs', colours: true, stdin: true, runOnChangeOnly: false, verbose: false, stdout: ...