Although it's recommended to leave them in place until spring,perennials will usually survive if cut back. ... Some perennials, like mums, always winter best with tops left in place. When leaving perennial tops intact during winter, cut them back in spring before new growth emerges from grou...
And so I plod on. I’m not going to be the fastest, or the strongest, and I’m definitely not going to be the one who looks cute in running clothes. My super power is that I turn up, no matter what. In winter, I splash through puddles, rain streaming down my face. In summer,...
Hi Emily – I have become obsessed with BLW lately (videos on Youtube, internet articles, blogs). The most sensible person I came across consulted their supportive GP before they started BLW. Seems teeth are ?recommended, as is sitting up. But like other Mums have said, each baby is diff...