Its use in clinical practice is adequately supported in the treatment of moderate to severe SAHS. Further studies are needed in order to define the lower range of symptoms to be treated. One of the most important problems encountered in this area results from the combination of two situations....
Its use in clinical practice is adequately supported in the treatment of moderate to severe SAHS. Further studies are needed in order to define the lower range of symptoms to be treated. One of the most important problems encountered in this area results from the combination of two situations....
"There is no guarantee right now that the sleep-specialist performance of the home sleep testing is the key to this door, so restricting CMS coverage of home sleep testing to this much smaller group of clinicians merely provides another barrier to capturing vastly undertreated patients with as-y...
Between 2015 and 2020, we have treated 720 adults with over 60 syndromes. Eighty-nine percent of the syndromes were associated with endocrine problems. We describe case series of missed diagnoses and patients who had undergone extensive diagnostic testing for symptoms that could actually be explained...