Suddenly, mid-sentence, Jack remembered he had a flight to catch. I was reminded of Alan Partridge routinely interrupting his guests mid-sentence. Should mid summer be hyphenated? midsummer, midfall, midautumn, midwinter, midspring, midparagraph, midpurgatory, midsentence, midmorning, midafternoon...
Should mid 1800s be hyphenated? The prefixmid-is now considered to be an adjective in its own right in such combinations as mid shot, mid grey, mid range, and mid nineteenth century, though as a combining form it retains its hyphen in mid-air, mid-engined, mid-Victorian, and other for...
In short, methods of analysis used are either rapid tests for effective support in the operations or hyphenated technologies, usually mass spectrometry-based, that generate comprehensive and confirmatory data. In that regard, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is often considered...