Most clinicians who responded to aMedscape Medical Newspollsaid medical and recreational marijuana should be legalized in the United States. The poll, which was posted May 9, was taken in light of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) then-impending legislation to decriminalize marijuana...
Free Essay: Marijuana is a plant that has grown alongside with humans since around 8,000 BCE. It was first found in its hemp cord form in an ancient village...
Although 8 states mainly in the west have legalized the drug to be used recreationally, it should be legalized throughout the entire nation. Marijuana should be legalized in the U.S. for many reasons, but mainly because it can reduce the number of deaths. Drug trafficking is one of the ...
Marijuana should be legalized in the United Statesadam webb
More and more states are legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, while others are considering legalizing the drug for recreational purposes in order to reap the tax benefits. Through objective discussion, numerous direct...doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2016.12.008Gardenier, Donald...
Argument 2: Marijuana is a gateway drug. If it’s legalized, there will be a spike in the use of much more dangerous drugs. A 2015 study found that about 45% of lifelong marijuana users took some other illegal drug at some point. Legalizing marijuana could reinforce this trend: as more...
Duluthbanned the smoking of recreational marijuanain city parks shortly after cannabis was legalized in Minnesota. The St. Paul City Council also voted toban smoking cannabisin public, as well as public parks in 2023.
With 20 states having now legalized medical marijuana use, and two (Washington and Colorado) having legalized recreational use of marijuana, the days of legal prohibition of use of marijuana for recreational as well as for medical purposes seem numbered.
The second is a constitutional amendment that would give the state legislature the authority to set the minimum age of marijuana consumption at 21. Under the statutory proposal, marijuana sales would be taxed at 20%. The law would give Montana medical marijuana providers first entry into the adul...
Decriminalizing a drug like marijuana means that it no longer is a crime to possess marijuana for personal use, The advantages of decriminalizing marijuana are so numerous and powerful that it is difficult to understand the intense opposition. The moveme