If it was legalized in Utah, there would be lots of negative things that would happen. Education and learning could be affected immensely. Injuries and even death could occur when using this drug. Environmental damage could occur. Marijuana can be very harmful. If this drug is misused, then ...
Free Essay: Marijuana is a plant that has grown alongside with humans since around 8,000 BCE. It was first found in its hemp cord form in an ancient village...
More and more states are legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, while others are considering legalizing the drug for recreational purposes in order to reap the tax benefits. Through objective discussion, numerous direct...doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2016.12.008Gardenier, Donald...
Marijuana should be legalized in the United Statesadam webb
The second is a constitutional amendment that would give the state legislature the authority to set the minimum age of marijuana consumption at 21. Under the statutory proposal, marijuana sales would be taxed at 20%. The law would give Montana medical marijuana providers first entry into the adul...
“Well this aged poorly,”Wolking wrote. “I guess it wasn’t so helpful?”he said in another post. Weed advocates light up the scoreboard again as Ohio legalizes marijuana for adults There are now 24 states in the country where weed use is allowed for adults. ...
1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana photolona // Shutterstock 1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana Marijuana began its long and continuing journey to legalization when California voters passed Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana....
I asked my friends what they thought about whether or not gambling should be legal across the board in Texas, and it was a nearly unanimous 'yes.' Several people also added that they believe marijuana should be legalized as well. Here's your chance to vote on whether or not you think ...
Secondly, the methods of with in Thirdly, the authors of the research article would be dealing with the short term and long term effects on the body and brain due to the usage of marijuana. Fourthly, the authors would be addressing the issue of whether marijuana can be legalized for ...
Marijuana should be legalized, subjected to rules, regulationsJOSH KAPPEL GUEST COLUMNIST