Tiptoe and tiptoeing are one word. That means no space no hyphen between tip and toe. Perhaps because of the rhythm of the word, tiptoe seems to need a hyphen.
After a fun-filled day, a nap in the cabin is always a delightfully restful option.The sexy singer said she wanted to make sure her children grow up in a fun-filled environment. Is fun-filled a real word? Fun-filled is a lovelycompound adjectiveused to describe something that is great ...
Above all, in determining whether a word should be hyphenated or not, strive for clarity. Ensure not to use a hyphen unless it is necessary. Where possible, follow conventional usage. On this last point, consult a reliable dictionary; Collins or Longman is recommended. Since the conservative C...
36. H)If you care about outside opinions on your name, you should know that a large portion of today's society is annoyed by the hyphenated name. 37. D) Most of the time, though, the most popular compromise is to hyphenate your last name and the last name of your groom. 38. I)...
I also know it annoys some of people in genealogical circles that I refuse to respond use my husband’s surname, and they REALLY get flummoxed when they see my name hyphenated, which I do with various hereditary societies. That’s a LONG explanation to introduce my comment re: Miss, Mrs...
Using hyphens could easily result in your users landing on a competitor’s page or site.This will not help your brand, especially if the reason you opted for the hyphenated version was that the non-hyphenated one had already been taken. You end up losing your traffic and maybe customers to...
“When I first heard it, it encouraged me to think of myself as whole and unhyphenated: Afropean.” So begins Johny Pitts’ moving book by the same title, a thorough, thoughtful, and important work that functions both as travelogue and documentary. Pitts’ book quietly challenges the assumed...
Which means your software needs to be fast, robust, maintainable, cost-efficient, and scalable. With more than 25 years experience of shipping software to production, I can help you: Speed up your code so it can get results on time, and run at scale with an affordable operating budget. ...
One the one hand, talking to the real API would make your tests slow, hard to run, and flaky. On the other hand, if you use a fake or mock test double, how do you know that your code will actually work in the real world? After all, the fake is—fake. Your code isn’t talkin...
and "fauxhawk" should be added to the lexicon still decided that "learnings" is an affront on the English language. If that's not definitive indicator that this isn't a real word, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on how often this phrase is unnecessarily hyphenated....