What needs to be capitalized in a legal document? One thing I did learn is that in legal documents using Bluebook style,words in headings are capitalized except for articles, conjunctions, or prepositions of four or fewer letters unlessthey begin the heading. What Does a Corporate Lawyer Do &...
#lawyerlife #lawyertips #lawyering An additional tip for law firms: Experiment with mixing some of these general hashtags with a topic-relevant hashtag, such as #onlinelegaltraining, #techlaw, #intellectualproperty, #disabilityrights. Learn more about social media marketing for law firms with our...
Only the hardest-core Kansans may not consider Kim Moore a native of the state: He was born in Kansas City, but was adopted at one month old and grew up in Longton. There’s no question that he possesses the innate nature of a Kansan. A lawyer by trade, Moore said his field “was...
from one platform to the next.Although issuers can modify the templates, they rarely do – as this would require the assistance of a well trained securities lawyer – normally not in a startup’s budget.The ones
Life insurance is cheap. The estate documents are cheap and not that hard if you know a lawyer. After all those personal finance book reviews, these gaps are really pretty shocking. Reply Barrysays May 22, 2008 at 6:28 am After getting married six years ago I realized that the life insu...