When should I take down my bird feeder? It's a good idea to take down suet feedersin warm weather. Raw or homemade suet should not be offered in the summer. Some suet manufacturers state that their blocks will withstand temps over 100 degrees without melting; however, these might neverthel...
aOne of the most amazing things about hummingbird migration is that,after such a long journey,so many of them find their way back to the exact same location every spring.So maybe he was one of the hummingbirds I saw again the next year sipping nectar from the feeder hanging on our back...
"That is a fountain I have in my backyard that bubbles at the top. I have one feeder in the backyard as well and two in the front yard. We have lots of hummingbirds. This is the first year I have seen them take a bath. They show up every morning between 5:30 - 6:00am. The...
With dozens of different DIYbird feeder ideas, kids can create containers using the most straightforward items, including fruit. Simply cutting an orange in half, scooping out the middle, cradling it in ahomemade macrame net, and adding birdseed makes a sweet-smelling feeder ready to hang from...
You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you ...
I would suggest using a hopper that can hold at least 3-4 days of feed which will save you topping it up as much, and it will keep your birds fed if you go away for a weekend and have neighbours or friends looking after your chickens. 6KG FEEDER WITH RAIN HAT Here is my favourite...
THE BEAUTY:In their travels, a painted bunting was sighted. Although they are fairly common at birdfeeders, they breed in the coastal southeast and south central U.S. and winter in Central America. How I’d love to see one at my feeder. I’ll have to move south!
I still use the free, open source Mozilla Thunderbird program as my RSS reader. Another option is theVivaldiweb browser which also has an RSS reader. I have unsubscribed from all the Substack newsletters I was subscribed to, and instead have added them to my RSS reader. ...
If we’re talking about fowls, my focus here will be on ducks. Specifically, Khaki Campbell Ducks. You will need to supply them with open water, like a dam or pond. I would suggest setting up a island or platform in the middle of the dam, and making the dam really deep. Condition ...
I have an entire section devoted to rats, how to tell you have them, how to get rid of them and how to prevent them taking up residence in the first place. Read it here. Again, a good quality, rodent-proof feeder is a must. See my review of the one that keeps rats away from ...