Start to massage across the scalp paying particular attention to the nape and hairline which will tend to be dirtier Use fingers to comb the hair between movements and keep the hair in line. Do not use your nails to scratch the scalp ...
I continued doing the same on walls; I would place my ears on the wall and tap the wall gently with a stick. And then comes the shock of my life – I used my nails to scratch the wall out of curiosity but little did I know that came out, the most annoying sound/vibrations which ...
my hair falls out a lot. I was told to use the potatoe water on my hair as it stops your hair from falling out and helps it become thicker. You pour it on your hair and then rub it into your scalp leave it on for several hours or over night then wash your hair as usual. I ...
I couldn’t touch the top of my scalp, about a six inch circle as the pressure inside my head and a spot between my eyes were so painful. I had pressure behind my left eye and it is still making my vision blurry. My doctor didn’t know what to do so said to let it wear off....
Long time without washing your hair can lead to buildup on the scalp, causing damage to the hair and potentially limiting its capacity to grow.It may be tempting to scratch if you have itchy dandruff or a scaly scalp. However, this may seriously harm your scalp and hair. ...
I don’t know or care. I do know when I’m finished with chemo, (and I fully realize unlike me, those with mbc will never be finished) I will shave off any remaining hair on my head so I can start over from scratch. Otherwise, I’ll end up with some freakish mish-mash of leng...
scratch scrambled schweitzer schaffner scenic saviour savannah satire sanctuary sanctions salter salad rogers roebuck rocket robards ritter revisions reviews retire retains resumption restore resisted resigned reservations resembles reportedly replacing repeating reins regret redcoats recovered reconnaissance reckless ...
dims down the shining scalp and makes my bald spots much less obvious. It doesn’t rub off easily and is sprinkle-proof.I got caught in the rain and it had no effect on it, yet it washed off easily. I used it on my eyebrows with a stiff angled brow brush and it worked GREAT, ...