The correct version of OBS studio to download will depend on your operating system. After choosing the right operating system, you should run the Auto-Configuration Wizard. This wizard will test your system and adjust your settings accordingly. To begin your videostreaming service, you’ll need y...
I want two things. One: To be able to review the game in the EA store so that others may know [Edit - Admin.] And two: to get my money back for false advertising.","body@stringLength":"402","rawBody":" So, after almost 6 months, I can't run the game....
base64data: <base64-encoded-data> mediatype: image/png SUCCESS: logo is changed on UD after F5 ERROR: logo is not changed for favion and OpenShift UI Expected behavior the new logo should be applied to Open Shift UI / favicon, not Eclipse Che one Runtime OpenShift Screenshots No respon...
We have an article all aboutInk Tank Printersthat talks about how it compares against regular inkjet printers as well as its performance compared to laser printers. It also answers commonly asked questions. If you want to explore this printer option further, I recommend you check it out. Some ...
OBS-Studio is close to receiving native NDI support, and a couple 3rd-party plugins already exist. I'm not going to claim OBS Studio to be very competitive with vMix at this point, as it is definitely lacking in a few areas. But they do have a lot of the base functionality there. ...
for enabling isolation or security. I originally missed the connection of that to the cloud: massive consolidation, virtualization, monoculturing, etc of resources to multiplex as many untrusted entities on as much trusted hardware as possible. Their principles are the same as those that lead to ...
Actually i had written the test cases as u said like .But he had given me limited time and continue devloper updating the PRD and DDD.PRDs were incomplet they were updating it so i also upadated the tescases as per requirement.