In an 1832 letter, Reverend Benton Pixley recorded a sermon by " Mormonite " preacher Sidney Rigdon, in which Rigdon proclaimed that the New Testament " epistles are not and were not given for our instruction, but for the instruction of a people of another age and country, far removed ...
book. See how Rome guided the development of Islam, only to be double-crossed later. (We should do one of these for America) Read how the Virgin Mary is being used to bring that rebellious daughter, Islam, back into cooperation with "Mother Church." The global "super-church" is forming...
ANNE:Hey readers. I’m Anne Bogel, and this is What Should I Read Next? Episode 289. Welcome to the show that’s dedicated to answering the question that plagues every reader:What should I read next? We don’t get bossy on this show:What we WILL do here is give you the information...
I read Genesis in Hebrew and Aramaic, and contextual sources in Assyrian and Babylonian. However, my PhD training is in American Religious history, Reformation, and History of Science.1My dissertation topic is the 20th century history of LDS conflict between scripture and science, creation...
What would YOU recommend Jordan read next? Tell us all about it in comments. Previous Links I love Next Expand your literary horizons with these 20 books in translation
X automatically excludes second-level quoting ( i.e. the " > > " ) HTML, PGP sigs, and other spam. I have that newsgroup set up tp retain 2,000 unread articles, 800 read articles that were from/to me ( up to 5 levels away, per the Referencs header ), and 200 read (...
Over the last year or so, I’ve read through the canon of what’s considered to be the cream of the crop for Western literature. I consumed dozens of books, and have here narrowed them down to the best 21 that every man should read. I gave each author just a single book on the ...
Some of the most significant prophecies in scripture regarding the posterity of Jacob are found in the blessings of Judah and Joseph in Genesis 49. However much of the poetry in the blessings is difficult to understand. How should we understand the rich
(A real provocateur would. Annoy enough of the commenters individually and who knows how often they’d come back and how many of their friends they’ll tell. Trying to annoy me back might become a minor hobby.) However, I have read them all. They provide an interesting window into a ...
1. The Small Town Charm of Cedar City Cedar Cityis charming mountain town located a few hours south of Salt Lake City, in the very Southwestern corner of Utah. As much as I love city life, sometimes it’s great to get away of from it all and Cedar City is the perfect place. Cedar...