.github component coverage helpers pages public test_reports tests .eslintrc .gitignore .gitpod.yml .prettierrc .snyk CODEOWNERS CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md jest.config.ts next-env.d.ts package-lock.json package.json style.css ...
Go to your repositories tab -> https://github.com/<username>?tab=repositories and click on New Name your repository your username, i.e. for example my repository is called Aditya-Jyoti which is my <username> Give it a description (optional) Make it Public Click on Add a README file Se...
GitHub,on the other hand, offers fewer services within its own program but offers ways to integrate with many outside programs and services. These include software thatGitHub has worked on to integrate with the serviceand hundreds of other programs viaGitHub Marketplace. Similarities Still, they l...
{resolve:`gatsby-plugin-snipcart-advanced`,options:{version:"3.3.3",publicApiKey:process.env.GATSBY_SNIPCART_API_KEY,defaultLang:"en",currency:"usd",openCartOnAdd:true,useSideCart:true,templatesUrl:"<https://cdn.snipcart.com/themes/v3.3.3/default/snipcart.css>",},}, In the.envfile we ...
*/publicfunctiontestPushCommand(){ $configuration_file = ['bypass'=>false,'default'=>'AwsS3','url'=>'https://s3.amazonaws.com','threshold'=>10,'providers'=> ['aws'=> ['s3'=> ['region'=>'us-standard','version'=>'latest','buckets'=> ['my-bucket-name'=>'*'],'acl'=>'pub...
My first attempt to use Eclipse egit to a fresh created local repository resulted in a f***kedup project ;-(. I'll do my best to publish all code - still including the remnants of try-outs - via git. EDIT I created a local Repo and remote repo on Github (so I know that I am...
If you're using Git: make a branch, try it out. If you don't like it - delete the branch :)0 Level 14 phpMick OP Posted 7 years ago I'm a lone developer so nobody else ever looks at my code. Scary. Does anyone have anything on GitHub I can look at? Just realised I'm ...
It's also worth noting that there are many online hosting systems for repositories, including bitbucket.org, SourceForge, Google Code, and GitHub; all of these offer free hosting for public repositories; bitbucket gives you free private repository hosting for your own personal projects having up...
This web application is my favorite tool for building, testing, and debugging regular expressions. I highly recommend that you use it to test out the expressions that we'll cover in this tutorial. The source code for the examples in this tutorial can be found at the Github repository here ...
There have been times where I’ve considered pulling code down from the WordPress plugin repository or from GitHub because the way in which I write my code now differs from how I wrote my code when I was working on those projects.