However none of these are the most important factor.You should learn VHDL or Verilog based on which one you are more likely to use in School or in Work. If your university uses Verilog, learn Verilog! If companies around you where you might want to work use VHDL, learn VHDL! The breakd...
Sigasi's VHDL plugin for EclipseIn hardware design, there is no big culture that uses IDEs. Quite the contrary: some early IDE attempts were overly complex and locked in the customer. There was not enough control over the project build cycle (simulation and synthesis) and people were disappoin...
As to FPGAs, yes, I think they are important now and will be important well into the future. So, yes, an EE should be able to write Verilog AND VHDL (System Verilog seems equally important). But it isn't just writing code, it is designing digital hardware. It's about how components...