If I recall correctly from past conversations (citation needed), pub should be responsible for having tests that make sure analytics events are sent correctly for standard pub operations (e.g.pub get). This makes sense given that theflutter pubis a near-zero-weight wrapper aroundpub. However, ...
Running the built_value generator on flutter code currently spits out a severe error: [SEVERE] Instance of 'PartBuilder' on dartsugar|lib/models/module_data.dart: Unable to resolve asset ID for "dart:ui" It still works, but I wonder if 1) there is potential for things to break down ...
Stack Overflow’s survey found that Dart is a top 10 “most-loved” language. JavaScript and Swift programmers find Dart especially easy to learn. Many are doing so because Dart and Flutter developers are extremely portable and can work on any platform — an enormous asset amid a talent ...
Build processes are intended to consume .dart_tool/package_config.json. @matanlurey: To be clear, the build process does consume that file - but if you remember, the plugin configuration is in pubspec.yaml. Here is one example:https://github.com/flutter/packages/blob/e0c4f55cd355a704981b...
I often try to use flutter create to spin up a quick example. The number of times I use - instead of _ is astounding, and the error text doesn't make it especially clear that this is why my package name is invalid ("my-flutter-exampe" is not a valid Dart package name.). Proposa...
Related thread: flutter/flutter#71554 It appears that Future.wait doesn't handle SynchronousFuture gracefully, causing the following code to crash: Future main() async { await Future.wait([ Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500)), Sy...
I don't know if there is a hook available, but if there is we should make File > Invalidate Caches delete the Dart analyzer cache as well as the IntelliJ caches. On Mac and Linux it is: ~/.dartServer On Windows: C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\.dartServer...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - --analyze-size should point users to `dart devtools` instead of through pub · flutter/flutter@4aa2cae
Both Directory.systemTemp and getTemporaryDirectory are commonly used to access temporary directories in Flutter applications, but they return different paths on some platforms. This inconsistency can cause confusion for developers tryin...