• Mirekusoft Install Monitor and RivaTunerStatistics block it. • Stop MSI AfterBurner ...
Category Microsoft.Portability Breaking change Breaking - If the P/Invoke is visible outside the assembly. Non-breaking - If the P/Invoke is not visible outside the assembly. Cause This rule evaluates the size of each parameter and the return value of a P/Invoke and verifies that their size...
Some days ago a colleague has received an email (O365 ATP protected) and clicked the link inside.The link caused a zip file to be downloadedthe zip...
Because due to the nature of the bussiness, target environments do not have internet connection, so we need to offer manually downloadable distributable files/installer to manually install them. I have tried different things but these don't seem to work for me: -Publish as a ...
Visual Studio Code is a free IDE developed and managed by Microsoft. It contains tons of advanced features. For example, IntelliSense provides smart code completion based on function definitions, variable types, and imported modules. You can use resumable functions, fold expressions, lambda expression...
Brief Issue Summary I've created a small VSCode project that builds a native DLL on Windows, using CMake and Ninja (basically took the template created by Visual Studio). The project includes files from the .Net SDK. Somehow, the CMake T...
the Microsoft .NET Framework doesn’t support intrinsic functions, so none of the managed languages support them. However, Visual C++ has extensive support for this feature. Note that while using intrinsic functions can improve the performance of the code, it reduces its readability and portability...
With MFC, Microsoft added COM support to an existing framework. This meant the developers of MFC had to keep the framework intact while adding substantial functionality. In addition, the Visual C++® compiler did not support templates back then, so they had to...
C# and using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices C# and WPF, what's the difference? C# app can't find DLL in the same directory? c# app.config duplicate keys C# application configuration is corrupted C# application exiting with exit code -1073740791 (0xc0000409) c# Application for monitoring netwo...
All of us on the Visual C++ team think you'll be pleasantly surprised.I wrote that for an MSDN article introducing our Visual C++ work for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. With the beta release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, this seems a good time for a reality check on my earlier promises...