COLUMN: Students should get involved in politicsTravis O'neill
I don't want to get _ in the matter.中主语 I,谓语 don't want,其用法是 want to do sth,结合用法 get involved in sth,所以横线处可填 involved,故答案是 involved。 3.句意为他在政治上避__。 He avoids _ in politics.中主语 He,谓语 avoid,其用法是 avoid (doing) sth,结合 involve 是动...
Should Entertainers Get Involved in Politics? SNOW Patrol, Razorlight and Thom Yorke Are among 50 British Artists Who Have Signed a Statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Calling for Peace and Justice Rather Than Nuclear Weapons. Is It Right f ...
12 Weshould notget involved in politics. 12 Avwanre vwobọ vwẹ oseghe rẹ usuo-on. jw2019 Jehovah had told the men from the East that theyshould notreturn to Herod. Jihova vuẹ eshare ri nẹ obọrhen rẹ ọnre rhe na nẹ ayen rhivwẹn bru Herọd ra-a....
"I don't think the FBI should be involved because they don't want to be involved. This is not their thing," Trump told reporters in reference to Brett Kavanaugh.
Should Entertainers Get Involved in Politics? SNOW Patrol, Razorlight and Thom Yorke Are among 50 British Artists Who Have Signed a Statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Calling for Peace and Justice Rather Than Nuclear Weapons. Is It Right for People Whose Job Is to Entertain Us ...
- Can I get you anything else?- No. You've already given me more than enough to chew on.chew on:字面意思是“细细咀嚼”,也表示“考虑”和“细细品味,细想”的意思。Beth假装自己是一个寡妇,和丈夫的出轨对象April无意中成了表面的好友。April毫无保留地说出她对家庭主妇的印象来说明男人会出轨的原因...
Politics: Politics pertains to the activities being undertaken by certain individuals in order to obtain positions of power within a large organization. These actions to gain power usually happen within a governing body of a country. However, as people are usually involved in a power struggle, po...
"Jews are a kind of glitch in that binary, right? Because some Jews are powerful, but Jews also have this incredibly long history of, as I say, of disempowerment, of racism and discrimination against them, which means you can't think about the world in those easy way...
“But I don’t need Coca-Cola or Delta getting involved in my politics. I don’t need Major League Baseball getting involved in my politics.” He acknowledged that Florida has been doing well overall in terms of attracting corporations because the state is “open for ...