Back in the good ol’ days, we spent those ten minutes painting our nails or gossiping with our BFF on our cordless phones. Now, I pass the time scrolling my phone, folding some laundry, or my personal favorite, taking a little soak in the tub – mommy’s time out....
A few years ago, I had a cosmetic surgery at my native place which didn’t give me the desired result. I was unhappy with the outcome after my surgery, also the waiting list was too long. I wanted to get a corrective cosmetic surgery and while searching for the b...
选择妈妈化妆外科医生时应该考虑哪些因素? 妈妈整容手术可能是女性可以采取的最具变革性和改变生活的步骤之一。通过妈妈改造,患者可以实现或恢复更苗条、更性感、更年轻的身材,让她们感觉比以往更加自信。由于每次妈妈改造手术都是定制的,并且可能相当广泛和复杂,因此选择一位技术精湛且经验丰富的妈妈改造外科医生对于确保手...