What should be the criteria for determining asymptomatic status in COVID-19?COVID-19COVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 treatmentCOMPUTED tomographydoi:10.1093/qjmed/hcab002S SaurabhC VohraQJM: An International Journal of Medicine
Her mental health deteriorated. "I just had to decide work can't be my priority, I need to get back to doing just the basics and start recovering again." Belfon also has OCD, so on first hearing about COVID-19, she was concerned it would trigger her health and contamination ...
• If you've had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you should get tested 3-5 days after your exposure, even if you don't have symptoms. You should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until your test result is negative. Should I get test...
The culling of animals that are infected, or suspected to be infected, with COVID-19 has fuelled outcry. What might have contributed to the ongoing debates and discussions about animal rights protection amid global health crises is the lack of a unified
If you feel the need to verify whether you do in fact have COVID-19, you can always head to a private clinic for rapid or PCR testingat a price, though this sort of testing is usually reserved for asymptomatic individuals for travel purposes, not those who are likely infectious. ...
Imagine last night you developed a little runny nose and a sore throat. When you woke up this morning you started coughing and had a fever. In the past year, your mind would have immediately jumped to COVID-19. But if you are already fully vaccinated, yo
We have witnessed a notable surge in prescriptions of HCQ in recent years, not only for dermatological conditions but also for non-dermatological uses, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. This increased use has brought greater attention to its associated toxicities, such as ocular, cardiac,...
In all, 19 percent of survey-takers used a home test at least once, but that is expected to ramp up sharply in the weeks ahead, Lazer predicts. Nearly two years into the pandemic, researchers hit upon a key finding—37 percent of people said they had never taken a COVID-19 test of...
This writeup attempts to answer to the question, "how much more (or less) likely am I to have COVID given a positive (or negative) test result?" In particular, this is an attempt to calculate theBayes factorfor different types of COVID test results. ...
As the world learned more about what happened to the human body when infected by Covid, blood oxygen level became a leading indicator of asymptomatic infection. By February 2022 it was easy to buy a pulse oximeter on Amazon for £10 and have around the house. I brought one on the trip...