change, and deplete with time as triggered by various factors such as environment, lifestyle, and diet. Thus, the only constant you can offer your gut is the introduction ofprobiotics. In fact, taking probiotics and eating a clean diet are the only things that can improve...
There is controversy about whether you should routinely take probiotics with antibiotics and the question cannot be answered with a straight yes or no. Evidence for taking probiotics with antibiotics includes a Cochrane review which reported that children who were given a course of probiotics after an...
But experts say to be mindful before using them. While probiotics are safe for almost everyone, if you have certain health conditions, such as being immunocompromised, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, "I would use them with caution," Sreenivasan says. The Food and Drug Administration doe...
many people are still unaware of the benefits of probiotics and view them as another fad. In this article, I will delve into the reasons why you should consider taking probiotics.
Should you be taking probiotics?
If you’ve just become convinced (or have been already) that taking probiotics should be a part of your health regimen, rotating your probiotics is another piece of the puzzle. As I mentioned already, rotating can be a good way to figure out what strains are best for you. Once you find...
While the time of day may not matter too much, taking probiotics with meals can help ensure you reap the full benefits of the bacteria. Research has shown that in order to maximize the benefits from probiotics, they must firstsurvive the journeythrough the acidic environment of your gastrointest...
Should I be taking vitamin supplements to protect against COVID-19? Based on the evidence so far, it doesn’t look like it. Here’s why. First, although the observational results from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study survey are interesting, they can only suggest correlations between supplement us...
Over the Christmas holidays I had a sinus infection. I was prescribed antibiotics and not knowing any better, took them as told. When I went back to my naturopth dr, she told me about how they kill off the ‘good bacteria’ I had been restoring by taking probiotics everyday. I will ...
Even if we converted all the suitable land to fields of fruit and veg--which would involve taking out all the nature reserves and removing thousands of people from their homes-we would achieve only a 30percent boost in crop production.Just 23 per cent of the fruit and vegetables consumed ...