Joe Udo
So many retirement questions have no right answers. They’re simply judgment calls. In this episode, we’ll explore whether it makes sense to switch to a Roth 401K. Don’t listen to find out the answer. Listen to learn the process to use to come up with your own answer. OUTLINE OF ...
Should I Contribute to Roth or Traditional/Pre-Tax (i.e. 401k, IRA, etc.)?Courses & Tools How about more sense and more money? Check for blindspots and shift into the financial fast-lane. Join a community of like minded Financial Mutants as we accelerate our wealth building process and...
Q. What Should I Put in a Roth IRA? Is it Smart to Put Stocks in a Roth and Bonds in a 401K? There is an immense amount of misunderstanding, even among financial advisers, regarding what to put in a Roth IRA. Asset location is a very important topic that has a real impact on the...
I have a question about rolling over a Roth 401k. Sixty percent of my 401k is in Roth, post-tax money, and I also have an IRA with pre-tax money. When I retire in four years, I plan to do a Roth conversion ladder to get as much of my pre-tax money into post-tax money. I ...
Ultimately, this article is for educational purposes only. I don’t know your situation, and this isn’t financial advice. Always consult a qualified financial professional for specific guidance. In general, however, a Roth IRA is a better choice if you think your tax bracket will be higher ...
You can save that entire 10% in your 401k, or consider additional retirement investments like a Roth or Traditional IRA. The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is a great option for people in their 20s because it spreads investments across different types of assets, which helps reduce risk and provides...
Incidentally, this is why you should never borrow from a Roth 401(k). A Roth account is funded with after-tax dollars, but the account grows tax-free. That means, in the example above, Sarah gets to withdraw the full $100,000 if she waits an extra decade. ...
These numbers aren't exclusive to your 401(k) and include other accounts such as aRoth IRA. Figures also assume that you began investing early enough to take advantage of compound interest and have other savings available in wealth-generating accounts such as stocks ormutual funds. Contribution ...
Second, consider alternative sources of funds. “If you have aRoth 401(k), you can take out your contributions—not the earnings on the investments—at any time without tax or penalty,” says Maggie Johndrow, a financial advisor with the Johndrow Wealth Group of Farmington River Financial in ...