What You Should Know About Eyewitness TestimonyEugene Winograd
The court said Congress could provide for expatriation as a reasonable way of preventing embarrassment to the United States in its foreign relations. But then something very odd happened. In 1967 an American Jew, Beys Afroyim received an exemption that set a precedent exclusively for American Jews...
The article ends by making legal and policy recommendations that expert testimony on eyewitness identifications be admissible under the rules of evidence.Fradella, Henry FFradella, H. F. (2007). Why Judges Should Admit Expert Testimony on the Unreliability of Eyewitness Testimony. Federal Courts Law...
Quality of written record following mock eyewitness testimony: Note taking should be a minimum standard!cognitive intervieweyewitness statementrecall conditionsverbal memory abilitywritten recordBy using a video-based narrative (unidirectional) eyewitness statement of an alleged victim, participants were asked ...
These cases can be some of the most challenging cases for a prosecutor to handle; legally, because of the combination of scien-tific evidence and eyewitness testimony; emotionally, because the case involves someone that died, who five minutes earlier was heading home from church bingo or from ...