The physical symbols h, 'nu' (text), and 'theta' (Figure) should be written in italics.这是...
This is the second most widely used option to emphasize words. While italics make words stand out as much as bold does, it also makes them slightly harder to read, especially in smaller sizes, so use sparingly. Highlighting Remember that friend back in high school who always highlighted every...
R2M ¼ SSðdcY Þ SSðdYÞ eqn 4 The denominator of that equation is SSðdYÞ ¼ X i [ hðDihY À DYÞ2¼ X i [ h D2ihY À ÀP i [ h DihYÁ2 nðn À 1Þ=2 eqn 5 This formula is written using dissimilarity values Dih to make it comparable...
Book Store moved fmm Germrd up ib York- ville, the proprietor took with him a section of wall on which Milton Acorn had written his good wishes. There xe dozens of stories like that, and they all come from the same font: book stores the world over am something else. In Montnal you...
At will is defined as “the right of employers to fire employees for any reason, or for no reason at all” so long as they do not discriminate, violate public policy, or conflict with written or implied promises made concerning length of employment or grounds for termination.142 Is refusal...
The physical symbols h, 'nu' (text), and 'theta' (Figure) should be written in italics.这是...
The physical symbols h, 'nu' (text), and 'theta' (Figure) should be written in italics.这是...
professionals and the public. These results indicate that these groups are generally in agreement about the roles of zoos, how they should compose their animal collections, and what animal species, in particular, should be kept in zoos for the future, allowing zoos to compose their collections ...